Allotment News
Occasional Articles and Allotment chat and comments.
Show Time
Judging for the best plot in West Byfleet Allotments is taking place next Thursday - 6th July. Judges from Byfleet Horticultural Show will make the decision and the award will be presented at the show on 15th - see show dates below. Last year's winner was plots 4A &5A.
Judging for our own competition the Challenge Shield will also take place in the next couple of weeks. There's more about the Challenge Shield below. Last year's winners was plot 55A.
Competition and Show Dates
Shows are a great way to enjoy your efforts and also see how others get on. If you have never entered a horticultural show then do give serious thought to entering, after all, a show isn't a show without entries.
The shows are also a great way to see what can be achieved and are interesting for all the family.
West Byfleet Allotments Challenge Shield (our own award)
The shield goes to the best second year plot-holder - that is someone who was first allocated a plot with us in last year's growing season. No nomination is required - all eligible plots are judged.
Judging looks at the tidiness of the plot, quality of crops, variety of crops and good use of the space available. If you are new to the allotments this year - then next year is a target for you.
Pyrford and Wisley Flower Show
Saturday 8th July 2023
Byfleet Parish Day - Horticultural Show
Saturday 15th July 2023
Chertsey Agricultural Show
Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th August 2023
A Bumper Newsletter
Membership Secretary
A big thank you to David our membership secretary who is stepping down from the committee after three years in the post. Time to enjoy more of your plot David!
And so a new Membership Secretary is required - could that be you? The role includes:
- Focal point for new members
- Managing the waiting list
- Managing the membership database
- Plot allocation and de-allocation
If you could potentially help with either of these roles, please get in touch with me to discuss or to just find out more. Help and support will of course be provided.
Committe Meeting
Last Saturday (13th May) we held a committee meeting outside the Trading Hut - mainly to discuss the requirement for a new Membership Secretary, but it was also an opportunity to review other areas such as drainage, water conservation, competitions and more. Log in to the web site and go to the file-store to download a PDF copy.
We normally only hold a couple of meetings a year, one in preparation for the AGM in November and one early summer to review progress in-between times we use email to ask or discuss matters.
It would be good to get some fresh blood into the committee - have you considered joining?
Water Conservation
Water is not only one of our biggest expenses on the allotments, it is also of course a vital resource for life. There are things you can do to use less water when looking after your crops. Adding organic matter to the soil, lining trenches with leaves or paper, and mulching around crops all help to retain water where it's needed.
You can find out more on our own Tips page of the web site
Our Own Competition
Woking in Bloom is not running anymore, so perhaps we should have our own competition? It has been suggested that we should have a best plot award as voted for by plot-holders - you! Before we spend time organising something - do you think it's a good idea - let us know! Email me with a Yes or No.
Photo Competition at Pyrford Show
If you are proud of the flowers or vegetables in your window box or on your balcony, why not enter a photograph in the competition sponsored by Thrive Living (Retirement Villages). Just email your photograph with your name and telephone number to For further information visit
Competition and Shows
Shows are a great way to enjoy your efforts and also see how others get on. If you have never entered a horticultural show then do give serious thought to entering, after all, a show isn't a show without entries.
West Byfleet Allotments Challenge Shield (our own award)
The shield goes to the best second year plot-holder - that is someone who was first allocated a plot with us in last year's growing season - is that you?
Judging takes place in the middle of July and looks at the tidiness of the plot, quality of crops, variety of crops and good use of the space available. If you are new to the allotments this year - then next year is a target for you.
Pyrford and Wisley Flower Show
Saturday 8th July 2023
Byfleet Parish Day - Horticultural Show
Saturday 15th July 2023
Chertsey Agricultural Show
Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th August 2023
Grass Cutting
You are responsible for cutting the grass around your plot, including the border with the road.
Please keep your dog on a lead at all times.
Please don't play music and have radios on - most people come down to enjoy the peace and quiet (between planes, trains and the M25!).
Will It Snow This Winter?
Snow vs Fruit Cages and Netting
It seems there is a chance of snow this week, so you might want to think about your fruit cages and netted crops. If it's wet snow with large flakes, it can stick to the top netting and collapse fruit cages.
![Jan 2021](imgpdf/news_74_20210124_124249.jpg)
Oak Processionary Moth
Following a recent tree inspection it has confirmed that most of the oak trees on W Byfleet Allotments have nests of Oak Processionary Moth caterpillars.
If disturbed, the hairs from these caterpillars can cause irritation and rashes. The hairs are microscopic and thus not easy to see. You should avoid touching the oak trees.
You can find out more from the Forestry Commission web site:
A quote from their web site states:
"We strongly advise people not to touch or approach the caterpillars or their nests because of the health risks posed by the hairs. Pets and livestock can also be affected and should be kept away as well."
"People should see a pharmacist for relief from milder skin or eye irritations following possible OPM contact, or consult a GP or NHS111 for more-serious reactions. Contact a vet if animals are seriously affected."
Further information can be found at:
Please note
that with the amount of infection found on site it is likely that the trees have been infected over the last few years and to date there have been no reported health problems from the allotments. However it would be sensible to be cautious.
Water Conservation, New Members, Site Security and more...
Water Conservation
Water is a vital resource and the water troughs around the allotment may look like a free supply for you to help yourself, but it's our most expensive extra cost - both in terms of money and the environment. Have a look at our Tips and Ticks page on conserving water.
A reminder that hoes pipes are not allowed - either to connect to the water system or to syphon water off from the troughs.
New Members
Recently we have had a turn over of plots and new members are starting out. Why not say hello and make them feel welcome.
Site Security
Please remember to keep the main gates to the allotment closed at all times. Unwanted visitors who dump rubbish and do damage need to be discouraged by closed gates.
Help Wanted
Currently we don't have anyone maintaining the wheel barrows. If you come across one that needs repairing, put it to one side or think about repairing it yourself.
Grass Cutting
Yet another reminder - as a plot-holder you are responsible for maintaining the paths and road verge around your plot. And if you have your mower and strimmer out, why not mow your neighbours plot or the centre of the road near you too. Every little bit helps.