Frequently Asked Questions

What is the West Byfleet Allotment Association?

An organisation for managing the association's land off Leisure Lane in West Byfleet and for promoting the growing of fruit, vegetables and cultivated flowers.

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Membership & Rent

How do I join/get a plot?

Contact the Chairman

What does it cost?

Plot holders rent for 2025: 

£35.00 per year (5 rod/half plot)

£18.00 per year (2.5 rod/quarter plot) 

Additionally a £5.00 annual membership fee is payable.

How Do I Pay My Fees?

At the Trading Hut or by bank transfer - please ask for the details.


Who is responsible for the paths alongside my plot?

As plot holder, you are!

What happens if I neglect my plot?

If plots are unattended it's a sign they the current plot-holder no longer wants or can use the land.  Re-allocating plots is a a balance between giving the current plot-holder an opportunity to show they can keep it on and reducing the waiting list for new plot-holders.

What can I erect on my plot?

Sheds (maximum size 8 x 4 ft.) may be located along the tree line of the plots (except for plots 70- 77).  Glasshouses or walk-in plastic tunnels are not allowed.

Compost heaps must be kept to a sensible height (around  1 metre).

The Trading Hut

When does the Trading Hut open?

Every Sunday morning 10 a.m. to 12 noon from February to June.

Outside these times, committee members can open the hut and sell you what you need. 

Please note that we do not keep cash in the trading hut, so during the week please bring your chequebook or organise a bank transfer.

What can I buy in the Trading Hut?

All normal requirements for allotments. Compost, growbags, fertilizers, bamboo canes and more.

What do I do if I have a problem?

What do I do if I don't recognise someone on the site?

From time to time we have had vandalism and traders dumping unwanted waste.  Introduce yourself to them and ask which plot they have.  If you are suspicious then contact the chairman, or in extreme cases contact the police.

May I have a bonfire?

Bonfires are discouraged. 

They are only permitted from November 1st to March 31st and must not be left unattended. 

They should be fully extinguished and should only be used to burn dry garden waste.

Compost your waste or take it to the Martyrs Lane green waste.

How do I water my plot?

Water supplying the cisterns is turned on between April  and September.   Our water is on a meter, and is our single most expensive facility - please use it with care.

Only use watering cans and/or buckets.   Hosepipes are not allowed to be used.

If possible have a rainwater butt on your plot.

Do not wash tools, produce, food etc. in the cisterns as this contaminates the water with dirt and organic matter which rots.

Why Is the Bottom Road Closed?

Every winter and on other occasions when it's very wet, the bottom road is closed. 

The lower half of the allotments site is quite close to the water table, and traffic using the bottom road causes more damage when the underlying ground is wet and boggy.

May I Keep Chickens & Bees?

The short answer is no.  Our lease with Woking Borough Council forbids the site from having animals - "no animals or poultry shall be kept or let loose on the demised land".  On the other hand the local foxes would love someone to have chickens on the site!

Bees require a special fenced off area to be set aside for the hives and a fully qualified beekeeper.  It is not practical to allocate such an area on the West Byfleet allotments.

You can find out more from the British Beekeepers Association:

There are many other ways of encouraging pollinators to the site - particularly by growing flowers that attract them.

Plot Holders

Log-in and edit your contact details here


Bottom Road Closed

Why is it closed?

The Trading Hut

When is is open?