Allotment News

Occasional Articles and Allotment chat and comments.

Current News Headlines
open all open... 30th May 2011

Legless lizards from McClarens Recycle Slugs

Surprisingly fast slow-worms in our nature reserve

Slow-worms love compost heaps, where they breed and live.  They are not snakes, but a member of the lizard family and love eating slugs.

Female Slow-Worm - a friendly slug-eater If you find them on the allotments (or anywhere else for that matter) please remember, they are quite harmless, don't bite, and are a protected species.  Like all interesting wildlife they flourish better by being left be, and in return they will help you in the fight against slugs.

Have a look at another photo on the gallery page.

Although slow-worms have been on the allotments for as long as people can remember, their numbers were boosted a few years ago when building work started on the (then) new Mclaren's site outside Woking.  Nature conservationists relocated a number of slow-worms found at the site to West Byfleet Allotments, as it was seen as a suitable environment for them.


open... 16th May 2011

Annual Spring Garden Plant and Produce Sale

Sheerwater Garden and Allotment Association

Sheerwater Garden and Allotment Association present their Annual Spring Garden Plant and Produce Sale

Locally grown flower and vegetable plants and produce. Homemade Jams, Pickles and Chutney Cakes, Scones and Pastries

SUNDAY 22nd MAY 10.00am till 1.00pm

Bring your friends and come along to the Hut at the Allotment Site, Albert Drive, Sheerwater (opposite Hanbury Path)

If, like many of us you are wondering whether West Byfleet Allotments should be organising plant sales/swaps, excess produce, seedlings, fruit sales/swaps, then please use the contact form to send in your ideas.

open... 3rd May 2011

Weeding Triggers Alarm

Emergency Services called out to W B Allotments

At around 6 pm on Monday 2nd May a passenger on a passing train (off duty copper) spotted a body in orange shorts and a black top lying in the allotments with a shiny metal object in his hand.  He called the emergency services who rushed to the scene.

An ambulance and two police cars arrived and started a plot by plot search for the victim.

Unable to find a body, they then approached one of the plotholders (name and plot number withheld) - in orange shorts and a black top - to begin their questioning. 

Q. "Where you lying on the ground not long ago?"
A. "Yes"

Q. "And did you have a metal object in you hand?" 
A. "Yes - this trowel - I was getting weeds out with it."

Q. "Are you alright?"
A. "Yes. I was just weeding - I find it more comfortable to lie down when I weed."

Case solved.  Sighs of relief all round.

So it just goes to show:

 - weeding might not be quite as dull as you thought;
 - there are caring people passing on those trains  - perhaps we should wave at them;
 - the emergency services know where the allotments are and how to get to them.

On a more serious note should you, or someone you come across, need urgent attention, use your mobile 'phone, or get help from the nearest source - Stoops Court or the Social Club (staffed from 7am).

If you go to the allotments on your own always take your mobile 'phone.

Thank you to that caring person on the train for taking the trouble. Please don't let it put you off another time. 

open... 3rd Apr 2011

Working Party and Bottom Road Opened

Turfs, dug, soil barrowed and road swept. Water On!

Our first working part of the year, and it was somewhat embarrassing to have more people than we had jobs to allocate.

Over 20 volunteers helped to fix sections of the bottom road.  In three of the worst points, the central turf was lifted, soil removed and the turf then replaced.

A big thanks to all those who turned up, and so sorry we turned some away - next time there will be plenty of extra jobs to do...

The Water Supply Was Turned on Too

The tanks are now full of clean water, thanks to Dave for tending to the broken and weeping joints and to Norman who emptied and cleaned all the tanks in preparation.

I'm surprised it hasn't rained really.

Note to all plot holders: water is metered and expensive, so please use our water carefully, and if possible collect rain water in butts.

open... 27th Mar 2011

Trading Hut Stock Arrives

Associate Memebers Welcome

The trading hut opened in February as usual, and within a couple of weeks it was clear that our stocks were going fast.

Thanks to the new Trading Hut Manager, who placed orders for all the items that sell well, the Trading Hut is now looking quite full.

We stock:
Growbags 33L
Lime 25kg
String medium x24 pack
Canes, split green 24"
Canes 3'
Canes 4'
Canes 6'
Canes 8'
Chicken Pellet Manure
Qualigrow Compost
Fish B&B
Suphate of potash

Remember that sales from the hut help to keep the rents down.  Our prices are usually well below those of local garden centres and you have a lot less distance to carry it!

The trading hut is open on Sundays from 10am 'til 12 noon.  At other times committee members can open up for you - though please have a cheque book handy as we don't keep cash there.

Associate Members

Associate Membership is for non-plot holders and entitles them to buy from the trading hut when it's open. The annual fee is £2.50 April to March, regardless of when they join. 



Plot Holders

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